Alpine Antifreeze BT Blue Concentrate

Alpine Antifreeze BT Blue Concentrate from Millers Oils is a high quality corrosion inhibited blue monoethylene glycol antifreeze containing no nitrites, amines or phosphates (NAP free). Exceeds BS 6580 (2010). Dilute with water to provide engine cooling systems in cars, vans, trucks and plant with frost protection.

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Core Sectors

Passenger Vehicle Lubricant


Additional Product Information

SKU: AlpineAntifreezeBTBlueConcentrate Available Pack Sizes: 10 x 1L, 4 x 5L, 60L, 20L, 205L
Range: Antifreeze Based on Monoethylene Glycol
Base Oil: monoethylene glycol
Kinematic Viscosity @ 40°C (cSt): /


Alpine Antifreeze BT Blue Concentrate from Millers Oils is a high quality corrosion inhibited blue monoethylene glycol antifreeze containing no nitrites, amines or phosphates (NAP free). Exceeds BS 6580 (2010). Dilute with water to provide engine cooling systems in cars, vans, trucks and plant with frost protection.

Additional information

Weight10 kg

Millers Oils

Pack Size

10 x 1L, 4 x 5L, 60L, 20L, 205L


Passenger Vehicle



Base Oil

monoethylene glycol


AFNOR NF R15-601 (FR), AS 2108 (AUS)., ASTM D3306 (USA), BS 6580: 2010 (UK), CUNA NC 956-16 (IT), FVV Heft R443 (DE), ONORM V 5123 (A), SAE J 1034 (USA), UNE 26-361 (ES)


Antifreeze Based on Monoethylene Glycol

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