Alpine Antifreeze Extend Red Concentrate

Alpine Antifreeze Extend Red Concentrate from Millers Oils is an ethylene glycol based automotive antifreeze and coolant, suitable for all year round use in the cooling systems of all internal combustion engines. Utilising OAT (Organic Acid Technology). This product contains no nitrates, amines, phosphates, borates, silicates and no other mineral additives.

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Core Sectors

Passenger Vehicle Lubricant


Additional Product Information

SKU: AlpineAntifreezeExtendRedConcentrate Available Pack Sizes: 1000L, 4 x 5L, 20L, 205L
Range: Automotive Antifreeze and Coolant
Base Oil: ethylene glycol
Kinematic Viscosity @ 40°C (cSt): /


Alpine Antifreeze Extend Red Concentrate from Millers Oils is an ethylene glycol based automotive antifreeze and coolant, suitable for all year round use in the cooling systems of all internal combustion engines. Utilising OAT (Organic Acid Technology). This product contains no nitrates, amines, phosphates, borates, silicates and no other mineral additives.

Features and Benefits include:
Offers protection down to 70C and protection from corrosion for all metals found in the cooling system.
Extra long life up to 155,000 miles (250,000 km) in passenger cars and 620,000 miles (1,000,000 kms) in commercial vehicles, or 5 years whichever occurs first.
Vastly superior corrosion protection.
No silicates, nitrates, amines, borates or phosphates, improved stability and freedom from scale & deposits.
The latest technology is employed to give freedom from foaming and scale build up.
Suitable for mixed fleets.
Best possible protection for all parts of the cooling system.
Utilises organic acid technology to provide effective corrosion inhibition.
Meets most European and International standards, conforms to BS 6580:2010.

Additional information

Weight20 kg

Millers Oils

Pack Size

1000L, 4 x 5L, 20L, 205L


Passenger Vehicle



Base Oil

ethylene glycol


AFNOR NF R15-601 (FR), AS 2108 (AUS)., ASTM D3306 / D4656 / D4985 (USA), BS 6580: 2010 (UK), CUNA NC 956-16 (IT), FVV Heft R443 (DE), SAE J 1034 (USA), UNE 26361-88 (ES)


Automotive Antifreeze and Coolant

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