Castrol Aero 40

Castrol Aero 40 is a high quality, mineral based MIL-H-5606 hydraulic fluid containing a highly shear stable viscosity index improver, an anti-oxidant, anti-wear agents, and an approved EP additive which reduce martensitic streaking of landing gear outer cylinders and galling of shock strut upper bearings.

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Core Sectors

Aviation Lubricant


Additional Product Information

SKU: CastrolAero40 Available Pack Sizes: 5 USG, 55 USG
Range: Landing Gear Shock Strut Fluid
Base Oil: Mineral
Kinematic Viscosity @ 40°C (cSt): 13


Castrol Aero 40 is a high quality, mineral based MIL-H-5606 hydraulic fluid containing a highly shear stable viscosity index improver, an anti-oxidant, anti-wear agents, and an approved EP additive which reduce martensitic streaking of landing gear outer cylinders and galling of shock strut upper bearings.

Additional information

Weight18.925 kg


Pack Size

5 USG, 55 USG





Base Oil



Aero 40 is formulated as an alternative to Boeing Service Letters 707-SL-12-2; 727-SL-12-2; 737-SL-12-2; and 757-SL-27- 15-B, Aero 40 is formulated in accordance with Douglas Aircraft Specification DPS 3.334, referenced as douglas stock number DPM 6176. Additionally, which instruct the addition of an EP additive to either the standard or corrosion inhibited mineral based hydraulic fluid for use in their landing gear shock struts.


Landing Gear Shock Strut Fluid

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