Millercare SC

Millercare SC from Millers Oils is a formaldehyde-free system cleaner where aqueous solutions of machining and grinding fluid have been in use. To be used typically at 2% but increased strength up to 5% where high levels of accumulated dirt require removal. Circulate for 24 hours, with an absolute minimum continuous circulation of 8 hours.

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Core Sectors

Industrial Lubricant


Additional Product Information

SKU: MillercareSC Available Pack Sizes: 4 x 5L, 20L
Range: Colourless Solvent for Use as a Diluent
Base Oil:
Kinematic Viscosity @ 40°C (cSt): /


Millercare SC from Millers Oils is a formaldehyde-free system cleaner where aqueous solutions of machining and grinding fluid have been in use. To be used typically at 2% but increased strength up to 5% where high levels of accumulated dirt require removal. Circulate for 24 hours, with an absolute minimum continuous circulation of 8 hours. Note: Operatives may continue working but only at the 2% concentration level.

Additional information

Weight20 kg

Millers Oils

Pack Size

4 x 5L, 20L








Colourless Solvent for Use as a Diluent

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