Titan Marway 1540 40

Titan Marway 1540 40 from Fuchs is a marine trunk piston diesel engine oil with higher TBN where fuels with a higher sulphur content are used. The product counteracts soot and deposits, and provides effective protection against corrosion.

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Core Sectors

Marine Lubricant


Additional Product Information

SKU: TitanMarway154040 Available Pack Sizes: 1000L IBC
Range: Piston Diesel Engine Oil
Base Oil:
Kinematic Viscosity @ 40°C (cSt):


Titan Marway 1540 40 from Fuchs is a marine trunk piston diesel engine oil with higher TBN where fuels with a higher sulphur content are used. The product counteracts soot and deposits, and provides effective protection against corrosion.

Additional information

Weight1000 kg


Pack Size

1000L IBC




SAE J300: SAE 40


Piston Diesel Engine Oil

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